5 Helpful Types of Digital Marketing Content

In the world of digital marketing, there is seemingly an infinite amount of options when it comes to content. But what types of content are the most effective? Keep reading to learn more about 5 helpful types of digital marketing content!

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the art of creating and allocating valuable, relevant, and consistent content in attracting and retaining the clearly defined audience—ultimately, to drive the profitable client’s action. Content marketing can be broken down into five basic steps:

1. Create great content

2. Consistently publish that content

3. Find your audience

4. Engage your audience

5. Generate leads

Content marketing is not just about blogging; these best practices apply to all types of content.

The 5 types of digital marketing content you need to know!

There are a number of ways to create content, but not all of them are created equal. If you’re looking for a way to generate quality content for your audience, then you’ll need to know the 5 types of content that you should be using.

Blog posts

Blog posts are great for in-depth analysis or opinion pieces. As a rule of thumb, blog posts should always have at least 100 words with about 600 characters per line. Blog posts are a great way to share your ideas and get feedback from the community.

Blog posts are published in a blog section of the course and have their own URL, so they can be easily shared.


Images are powerful and evoke emotion. They can also be used as a tool for branding and generating leads. They are a cost-effective way to reach your target audience.

Use relevant images in your articles and make them appealing to the readers. The more interesting the image is, the more engaging your article will be.


Videos are very effective in gaining the attention of your target audience. Videos can be used to promote your business, gain brand awareness and generate leads.

If you want your video to be shared, it has to be engaging. It needs to draw viewers in and make them want to share it with others. In other words, it needs to be interesting! It’s not always easy to come up with ideas for compelling content, but one of the best ways to get inspired is to pay attention to what’s already working on YouTube.

Social Media

When you use social media, you are able to interact with your customers on a more personal level. Social media allows you to connect with people that share similar interests. You will be able to interact with them, answer their questions and develop relationships.


The use of infographics is an excellent way to present data. You can add a few graphs and infographics in your articles and make them more attractive. They are also a great way to represent and present your data.

As you can see, these are five effective types of content that will help you reach your target audience. In addition to these, there are several more types of digital marketing content that are worth exploring.

Types of Digital Marketing You Should Be Familiar With

Using digital marketing to advertise your business and grow your profits has never been easier or more effective than it is today. So many forms of digital marketing, from social media and search engine marketing to email campaigns and video ads, are available that all businesses should consider investing in at least one of them if they haven’t already. Here are the main types of digital marketing you should be familiar with if you want to get the most out of your advertising budget.

Social Media Marketing

One kind of digital marketing you should probably familiarize yourself with is social media marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow companies to promote their services and products to targeted customers by sharing information about them (i.e., likes, dislikes, friends) across different networks that can be accessed using a single login. This platform also allows businesses to see what people are saying about them online and engage in real-time conversations with current and potential customers—the opportunity for customer service has never been greater. And when it comes time to make a purchase, users can simply click on the buy button right there on their newsfeeds, sparing businesses an additional step in e-commerce transactions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is all about getting your content to rank higher in search engines so it’s more likely to be seen by web users. This will get you more traffic (qualified leads) at no cost to you, as long as you write great content that people actually want to read. Unfortunately, many brands tend to take advantage of tricks or cheats that can harm a site or its reputation with Google. That’s why we don’t recommend shortcuts here – just good old-fashioned search engine optimization.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing, also known as SEM, is a form of internet marketing that involves displaying ads on search engines (such as Google or Bing) based on user searches. Search engine marketing can be done in a few different ways. The most common way is through pay-per-click advertising; you pay to have your ad shown alongside results from searches that match yours. These sorts of ads usually appear at the top and right side of SERPs. Another type of search engine marketing is organic SEO, which consists mainly of optimizing content for keywords and boosting its visibility online by making it easier for users to find.

Content Marketing

Most social media efforts start with content marketing—which is any digital asset that educates or inspires your target audience to take some sort of action. This could be anything from a video on YouTube to an ebook on your website. Creating stellar content is key here, and you can use it as a testing ground for your later, more specific campaigns. Make sure to build conversion points into all of your assets so you’re able to track their success. Content may seem like an inexpensive investment, but when done well (and frequently), it’s actually one of your most powerful channels.   Just make sure your analytics are in place so you’re tracking return on investment versus cost.

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