5 Ways to Make B2B Content Compelling for Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Content is key in a digital marketing strategy. However, not all content is created equal. Some content can be downright boring. And so, how making your B2B content compelling?

The Problem with B2B Content

Many businesses write content with the wrong mindset. They see it as a necessary evil, something they have to do in order to rank in search engines or provide information to their customers. But good content doesn’t come from a place of obligation- it comes from a place of passion. When you’re writing content, you need to think about your audience and what will be most useful and interesting to them. Keep in mind that your customers are people too, and they want to be entertained and informed. There’s no need to be boring or dry when you’re creating content for a business audience.

How to Make B2B Content Compelling

Creating content that is compelling is essential for B2B companies. The challenge for most B2B companies is how making their content compelling enough to stand out in a sea of sameness. Content that is interesting and useful for customers will help to persuade them to consider your product or service.  This is where a strategic content marketing plan comes into play.

Here are five ways to make your B2B content more compelling and engaging:

1. Use data and facts: When you can back up your claims with statistics or concrete examples, it makes your content more believable.

2. Tell a story: Humans are hardwired to respond to stories. Use anecdotes or case studies to illustrate your points.

3. Write in a clear, concise style: Don’t overcomplicate things or use jargon that customers might not understand.

4. Be emotive: Appeal to your readers’ emotions by using strong adjectives and descriptive language.

5. Make it visual: A picture is worth a thousand words, and infographics, videos and other multimedia elements can help you capture your audience’s attention.

Why Compelling B2B Content Matters

In a world where content is king, compelling B2B content is more essential than ever. Why? Because it can help you stand out from the competition, drive website traffic, generate leads and convert prospects into customers. And that’s just the beginning. So how can you create compelling B2B content for your digital marketing strategy?

Here are five tips to get you started: 1) Start with a strong headline that catches your readers’ attention. 2) Be sure your content is relevant to your target audience. 3) Write in a clear, concise style that’s easy to understand. 4) The takeaway: Why compelling B2B content matters. 5) Offer valuable insights and information that your readers can use. When it comes to creating content that engages and converts, think of the quality over quantity. By following these tips, you can create content that will help you achieve your business goals and reach your target audience.

Compelling B2B content is essential for any effective digital marketing strategy. By understanding the problems with most B2B content and implementing the five methods outlined in this post, you can create content that will engage and convert your audience.

8 Tools That Should Be In Every Digital Marketer’s Toolkit

The digital marketing field is a fast-paced and ever-changing one, and the most effective marketers know that they need to be able to adapt to these changes. One way they do this is through investing heavily in tools that allow them to learn more about the evolving digital landscape, understand the competitive landscape better, and optimize their efforts accordingly.

Along with our own research, we’ve put together a list of five tools that should be in every digital marketer’s toolkit.

1. Google Analytics: Even for companies that don’t offer digital marketing, this is a great same-time reporting tool, a must-have. Google Analytics offers tremendous value with its ability to show visitors the websites they come from, what the average time on site is, and key pages that get traffic. In addition, it’s free and easy to set up.

2. A/B testing: A/B testing allows users to make changes to their websites and test how different elements perform as an alternative to their best-performing option. This allows marketers to see which elements are having the greatest impact on site conversion rates and make changes accordingly.

3. MarketMuse: MarketMuse is another great resource for marketers, because it helps them ensure they are doing the most important things that will make the biggest impact. It offers suggestions for additional keywords and content, as well as suggested tools to use in order to get that content out there as quickly and efficiently as possible.

4. MailChimp: Probably the most popular email marketing software out there, MailChimp can help you track your results and optimize your efforts with ease. This is a great email marketing service for those who already have an established email list. MailChimp offers the ability to send targeted email campaigns, and an analytics dashboard that allows you to see who is opening up their emails and what they are doing after they open them.

5. HootSuite: A productivity and engagement powerhouse that lets you manage, monitor and engage with multiple social networks from one dashboard.

6. FunnelFIT: An in-depth analytics tool that will help you optimize your digital marketing efforts and improve your spending efficiency.

7. Mixpanel: A technique that helps you track performance, analyze conversions, and analyze data from any app or website. You can even have real-time conversations on this platform!

8. Content marketing: Content marketing is becoming more and more important as the cost of search engine optimization continues to drop. Many digital marketers are moving away from PPC (paid search) advertising in favor of more in-depth content marketing strategies that have been shown time and time again to have a positive effect on ROI.

“Although content marketing is about more than just writing a blog post or creating a press release, the aforementioned tools will help you get started on building a more successful content marketing strategy. As an added bonus, many of these tools can be used for your entire marketing campaign; it’s best to have a broad toolkit.”

Adding Google Analytics to Your Online Marketing Strategy

Google Analytics is the free web analytics services offered by Google which tracked and reported website traffic. It’s the most widely used website statistics service on the web, with over 10 million websites using it.

If you’re not yet tracking your website traffic with Google Analytics, you’re missing out on some valuable insights into how your website is performing. In this article, we’ll show you how to add Google Analytics to your website and start tracking your traffic.

Why Use Google Analytics?

There are a lot of reasons to use Google Analytics for your online marketing strategy. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Understanding your website traffic: With Google Analytics, you can see where your website visitors are coming from, what pages they’re visiting, how long they’re spending on your site, and more
  • Finding out what’s working and what’s not: You can use the Google Analytics reporting tools to analyze your website data and find out which pages and marketing tactics are working, and which ones aren’t.
  • Measuring your return on investment (ROI): With Google Analytics, you can track your ROI and see what percentage of your website traffic is attributable to certain marketing strategies, campaigns, and content.
  • Optimizing your website: Google Analytics can help you track and analyze your website traffic to identify potential problems and suggest ways to improve the user experience.
  • Gaining new customers: Although Google doesn’t guarantee that people who are referred by other websites will become customers, it does provide some good statistics on your website.

How to Add Google Analytics to Your Website?

To add Google Analytics to your website, you need to figure out how to add the code to your website. This can be done in a number of different ways.

1. Add Google Analytics to your existing website

If you already have a website that you want to add Google Analytics to, you can quickly install Google Analytics on that website.

Follow these steps:

1.1 Click the “Add to Website” button at the top of your Google Analytics account.

1.2 Enter your website address in the “Website Address” box.

1.3 Click “Submit” and you’re done!

1.4 Once you’ve added Google Analytics and it has been activated, you’ll see a new tab in your Google Analytics account, called “Website.”

2. Add Google Analytics to your WordPress website

If you’re using WordPress to power your website, you can add Google Analytics to your website:

2.1 Install Google Analytics on the WordPress website through the WordPress dashboard.

2.2 Upload a copy of your website to a new domain, then, add Google Analytics to the new website.

3. Add Google Analytics to your website through your WordPress dashboard.

If you’re already using a WordPress website for your website, the easiest way to add Google Analytics to your website is through your WordPress dashboard. You’ll need to sign into your Google Analytics account first, then click “Add to Website.”

The first option is the simplest, but it doesn’t give you a lot of control over the placement of your Google Analytics code on your website. The second option gives you more control, but you need to transfer the website to a new domain. The third option is the most customizable, but it will require a bit of technical knowledge.

7 Reasons Why This Year Could Be The Year Of Digital Marketing

It’s time to take a step back and evaluate how your business is performing so far. Have you been able to achieve the results you were hoping for?

If not, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many businesses are still trying to figure out the most effective way to market their products and services in today’s digital age. And that’s where digital marketing comes in.

1. Digital marketing helps local businesses build a loyal customer base.

Digital marketing allows you to build a lasting connection with your customers by creating a presence on their screens.

With the right content and a strong social media marketing strategy, you can increase brand awareness and even improve your sales.

2. You learn more about the customer’s needs, so you can better predict profitability.

Online consumer research has been proven to be effective by multiple studies. A 2018 study found that 87% of consumers use the internet to research their needs before buying a product. It’s also easy to understand why. Researching needs can save a large amount of time and money, which is especially important for small businesses.

Digital marketing is a great tool for small businesses to learn more about their customers’ needs through both in-person and online interviews. From there, it’s easier to create a custom product or service to cater to those needs.

3. Multichannel marketing gives you a multichannel approach

It is no secret that digital marketing has revolutionized the way people access and consume information.

The internet is not the only place where you can market your business digitally. There are many other digital channels that you can use to attract, engage, and convert potential customers into buying customers.

4. Small businesses can compete against large businesses on a level playing field

A recent study by Marketo found that small businesses with digital marketing spend nearly twice as much on marketing as large businesses. This is because small businesses are more likely to take risks and be more innovative than their larger, more established competitors.

5. Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing.

Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing because it doesn’t require huge budgets and it’s not as time-consuming. In fact, it doesn’t even require a website (although that can help). Digital marketing can be done on a small budget, but traditional marketing can take a long time to be developed and implemented.

6. The power of digital marketing in measuring ROI.

Digital marketing can be targeted. Measuring its impact is both feasible and credible.

Because of the lower costs, small-business owners can easily invest in online marketing, and begin to see results.

7. The digital marketers in your industry are already paving the way with incredible campaigns

According to a survey made by a company that specializes in internet marketing, most small business owners plan to increase their marketing efforts by online marketing in 2019 and beyond. There is an obvious reason why: The competition.

To avoid missing out on the digital marketing train in the future, you’ll want to start using digital marketing tools now. It’s not too late to join the marketing bandwagon, and there are hundreds of tools to help small business owners get their message out. Simply put, you’ll have the capability to market your business without much effort.

10 Key Ways to Make Effective Content Marketing

In this world of the internet, most small and medium-sized companies are still struggling with how to use the internet effectively.

Digital marketing seems to be a necessity, but not every business has the funds to invest in it. The solution is to tap into the secrets of effective content marketing. There are 10 ways to make your content marketing more effective.

1. Establish long-term objectives

Even though an individual’s needs change over time – from a one-off purchase to continue buying over time – businesses should make sure they are realistic in their goals when establishing long-term objectives. They should also consider what industry the business is in. Finally, goals should be tied into the business’ overall strategy.

2. Create a content calendar

A content calendar will help you avoid being repetitive with an up-to-date overview of what you have already posted. In short, a content calendar will provide you with two important things: quality and a focus on consistency. Consider that each channel has its own set of frequencies for posting messages.

3. Know Your Stuff

You must focus on your business, industry, and industry trends, as well as the products or services you are promoting. In addition, your posts should have something to do with the main topic of your business. Even if you determine your audience loves randomness, it still has to reflect or lead back to your brand.

4. Keep active

Posting can be time-consuming, but it’s a great way to improve your blog. You should focus on quality over quantity, because readers will not keep visiting your blog if your posts are not helpful to them. You should write posts that can be linked to, so that people can easily find your best content.

5. Mixing up the components

Many companies get stuck in the mindset that the content is just text. They think that people will follow them because of the messages in the writing. Mixing up the components, with text, images, and video, will increase your engagement and hopefully encourage those following you to continue to follow you.

6 Tracking Pattern

It’s critical to track your efforts with respect to the types of content you’re posting on Facebook. To improve your posts and make sure you’re posting the “right” types of content, you’ll want to track the success of each idea you’re generating.

7. Consider reaching out to guest bloggers

In case you don’t have the talent to write or take photos, you can always consider guest bloggers. Some guest bloggers will want a payment but you can find writers who are happy to be compensated for their time by posting your articles on their sites.

8. Avoid being stagnant

It’s easy to become complacent; after all, we have a good number of subscribers and likes. We can feel like we have achieved success, but as long as our competitors continue to attract people, we have our work cut out for us. We need our existing followers to grow so they can start talking about our blog and introducing our work to their friends and family.

9. Get Inspiration from Industry Leaders

When in doubt or a bind, always look for ideas and advice from the leaders of other industries or companies. 

5 Helpful Types of Digital Marketing Content

In the world of digital marketing, there is seemingly an infinite amount of options when it comes to content. But what types of content are the most effective? Keep reading to learn more about 5 helpful types of digital marketing content!

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the art of creating and allocating valuable, relevant, and consistent content in attracting and retaining the clearly defined audience—ultimately, to drive the profitable client’s action. Content marketing can be broken down into five basic steps:

1. Create great content

2. Consistently publish that content

3. Find your audience

4. Engage your audience

5. Generate leads

Content marketing is not just about blogging; these best practices apply to all types of content.

The 5 types of digital marketing content you need to know!

There are a number of ways to create content, but not all of them are created equal. If you’re looking for a way to generate quality content for your audience, then you’ll need to know the 5 types of content that you should be using.

Blog posts

Blog posts are great for in-depth analysis or opinion pieces. As a rule of thumb, blog posts should always have at least 100 words with about 600 characters per line. Blog posts are a great way to share your ideas and get feedback from the community.

Blog posts are published in a blog section of the course and have their own URL, so they can be easily shared.


Images are powerful and evoke emotion. They can also be used as a tool for branding and generating leads. They are a cost-effective way to reach your target audience.

Use relevant images in your articles and make them appealing to the readers. The more interesting the image is, the more engaging your article will be.


Videos are very effective in gaining the attention of your target audience. Videos can be used to promote your business, gain brand awareness and generate leads.

If you want your video to be shared, it has to be engaging. It needs to draw viewers in and make them want to share it with others. In other words, it needs to be interesting! It’s not always easy to come up with ideas for compelling content, but one of the best ways to get inspired is to pay attention to what’s already working on YouTube.

Social Media

When you use social media, you are able to interact with your customers on a more personal level. Social media allows you to connect with people that share similar interests. You will be able to interact with them, answer their questions and develop relationships.


The use of infographics is an excellent way to present data. You can add a few graphs and infographics in your articles and make them more attractive. They are also a great way to represent and present your data.

As you can see, these are five effective types of content that will help you reach your target audience. In addition to these, there are several more types of digital marketing content that are worth exploring.

9 Digital Marketing Plans That Will Boost Your Business

Are you looking for ways to improve your business? Check out these nine digital marketing plans that can help boost your traffic and conversions.

Stay on Top of Social Media

With social media, you can keep up with the latest trends, breaking news, and connect with friends and family. It can also be a great way to stay up-to-date on what’s happening with your favorite brands and businesses. Here are some tips for staying on top of social media:

1. Decide which social media platforms are best for you. There are a variety of platforms to choose from, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

2. Make a schedule for checking social media. This can help you stay on top of things without getting overwhelmed.

3. Follow your favorite brands and businesses. This is a great way to stay up-to-date on what they’re thinking and also to reinforce your brand continuity.

Google Adwords

This can be an extremely effective way to reach new customers, as people are more likely to click on an ad when they’re looking for a specific product or service. However, it’s also important to keep in mind that Adwords is a paid service, so you’ll need to set a budget and be prepared to track your results. Essentially, you’re paying to have your ad placed at the top of the search engine results when someone types in a relevant keyword or phrase.

Build an Authority Page

When done correctly, an authority page can help boost your business by driving traffic to your website and increasing brand awareness. To be effective, you’ll need to do extensive keyword research to find the right terms to target and produce high-quality content that’s relevant to your target audience. The page should be well-optimized for search engines, and you’ll need to promote it through social media and other channels.

If you do it right, an authority page can be a powerful tool for boosting your business. It can help you attract more visitors and generate more leads.

Build a Community

This can be done in a variety of ways, but one of the most effective is to create a blog or forum where people can discuss your products and services. Additionally, In creating a community, it’s important to make sure that you are providing valuable content, relevant to your target audience, that will keep people coming back.

Build a Website and Use Search engine Optimization

A website is the perfect way to showcase your business to the world. It can also be used to provide information about your products and services, and to collect leads.

Build a Page and Use Pay per Click

Building a page will allow people to learn about your business and what you offer. Once you have the page set-up, you can use pay per click advertising to increase traffic to your page. This is a great way to improve your visibility and reach new customers.

Email Marketing

Unlike other digital marketing tools, email marketing allows you to target a specific group of people who are interested in your products or services. It is also a cost-effective way to reach a large number of people. In fact, a recent study found that email is nearly 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Like most things in business, digital marketing begins with a strategy.

A good marketing strategy can help you reach your objectives (e.g., increased brand awareness, increased lead generation) and avoid unnecessary costs. But it’s also one of those areas where knowing what you want to do isn’t as important as knowing how to do it: that means researching, testing, and learning.

What is digital marketing strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a blueprint that breaks down how you will implement your digital marketing and what steps you will take. As a business owner, it’s crucial to have an effective digital marketing strategy to develop your company and reach its full potential. A great way to start developing a strategy is by conducting market research, establishing goals and conducting an analysis of your competition. When building out your strategy, think about where you want to be in two years and how you will get there. That should serve as a foundation for creating specific goals for today and tomorrow.

Now, let’s go over each step to help you learn how to create a digital marketing strategy:

  • Market Research: Before jumping into your plan, conduct some market research with surveys or interviews of customers. This data can help validate your product/service idea or determine if it needs any changes before launching anything officially.
  • Goals: Write down your one-year vision as well as three-year vision for your company. Where do you want to be in two years and what do you need to do get there?
  • Competition Analysis: With an established goal, analyze your competition by figuring out who they are and what they offer. Determine their strengths and weaknesses so that you know where there may be opportunities in certain areas that may allow you to succeed above them. 

It’s important to understand where your company fits into today’s landscape before developing an SEO plan or purchasing ad space on social media channels. Consider who your competitors are within different industries, then do keyword analysis around those keywords.

You will likely want separate strategies for each social media platform – each will have different nuances in how people use them as well as differences in how each platform reports back success. If you just focus on Facebook or Twitter, then you could face losing valuable data from other platforms like Pinterest or Instagram. Each digital marketing strategy will be a little bit different based on where your business wants to be and what kind of business it is.

After all, new trends come out every day—and just because something is trending now doesn’t mean it will be tomorrow. With so much time and money invested into marketing programs, don’t risk losing momentum on changes in trends or strategies.

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